This page contains a list of all movies which are available to stream, watch, rent or buy online.
1 Year
Best of Hollywood, Watch on any device, Highest video & audio quality, Upto 4 devices simultaneously.
JioCinema, an Over-The-Top (OTT) streaming service provided by Reliance Jio, which is a part of Reliance Industries Limited (RIL).
Maximum 15 movies titles allowed and Maximum 5 episodes of a single title allowed.
The downloaded content is available for offline playback for 14 days, after which it will expire.
Yes! All the videos eligible for download will have the 'Download' option below the video player. Videos downloaded can be accessed under More/Downloads. is one of the most trusted and popular technology media portals in India. At Digit it is our goal to help Indian technology users decide what tech products they should buy. We do this by testing thousands of products in our two test labs in Noida and Mumbai, to arrive at indepth and unbiased buying advice for millions of Indians.