
Vice Movie (2018)

Comedy | Drama |

English | 2 hr 12 min | Release Date Dec 24, 2018

7.4 Digit Binge Rating

Vice : Release Date, Trailer, Cast & Songs

Where to Watch / Stream Vice Online

Theatrical release - Not available on any OTT Platform right now.

Vice - Star Cast And Crew


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Vice All Songs List

01. T The Lineman - Prelude And Development

Nicholas Britell

2: 10
02. H He Saw An Opportunity - Counterpoint In C Minor

Nicholas Britell

2: 20
03. V Vice - Main Title Piano Suite

Nicholas Britell

1: 52
04. M Master Of The Butterfly Knife

Nicholas Britell

1: 56
05. F Flipping Cards

Nicholas Britell

1: 23
06. B B-Flat Prelude

Nicholas Britell

1: 13
07. T The Lineman In E-Flat Minor

Nicholas Britell

1: 49
08. T Taking Over The Damn Place

Nicholas Britell

3: 26
09. S Scalia

Nicholas Britell

0: 0
10. J James Earl Carter Jr.

Nicholas Britell

1: 14
11. T The Wyoming Campaign

Nicholas Britell

3: 24
12. T The Other Half Fears Us

Nicholas Britell

2: 08
13. D Dick's Heart Is Healthier Than Ever

Nicholas Britell

1: 52
14. H He Wants To Impress His Father

Nicholas Britell

2: 00
15. M My Friend, My Running Mate

Nicholas Britell

0: 0
16. T The Washington Game Board

Nicholas Britell

2: 42
17. T The Many Offices Of The VP

Nicholas Britell

1: 56
18. T The War In Afghanistan / His Magnum Opus

Nicholas Britell

2: 35
19. T The Iraq War Symphony

Nicholas Britell

2: 48
20. M Major Combat Operations Have Ended

Nicholas Britell

1: 54
21. A At Death's Door

Nicholas Britell

2: 40
22. C Conclusion - The Transplant

Nicholas Britell

7: 07
23. V Vice - Main Title Orchestra Suite

Nicholas Britell

1: 52
24. I Imperium

Nicholas Britell

1: 45
25. G G Minor Prelude

Nicholas Britell

2: 59
26. P Parade Music - Bonus Track

Nicholas Britell

2: 03
27. V Vice


3: 03

Vice Trailer

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