Vampires Suck

Vampires Suck Movie (2010)

Comedy | Horror |

English | 1 hr 22 min | Release Date Aug 17, 2010

3.3 Digit Binge Rating

Vampires Suck : Release Date, Trailer, Cast & Songs

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Vampires Suck All Songs List

01. M My Panties


2: 05
02. S Succubus Baby


3: 06
03. B Believe Nothing

The Deekompressors

2: 22
04. L Late Night Superstar

Revival Chiefs

2: 38
05. A Are We On


3: 38
06. I I Miss You


2: 13
07. H Hey Eddie


0: 0
08. I It's Raining Men

Kelly Kass

4: 05
09. M My First Wish

Miss Eighty 6

2: 55
10. S She's Going Down

Ali Dee

2: 14
11. A All the Way Up

Alana D

3: 30
12. O On Fire


2: 03
13. T The Hustle

The 26th Street Boyz

4: 06
14. I If I Was Your Vampire

Grecia Godliss

4: 31
15. W Wango Tango

Danielle Barbe

3: 17
16. T There I Stand


3: 53
17. W What Would You Do?

Christopher Lennertz

2: 02
18. S Something Strange...

Christopher Lennertz

1: 21
19. M Meet the Sullens

Christopher Lennertz

2: 26
20. W Welcome to Sporks

Christopher Lennertz

0: 0
21. C Chemistry in Class

Christopher Lennertz

2: 42
22. A Attack on the Dock

Christopher Lennertz

2: 00
23. E Edward Saves Becca

Christopher Lennertz

2: 10
24. J Jacob's Crush / Self Defense

Christopher Lennertz

1: 38
25. S Sleepwalking

Christopher Lennertz

2: 44
26. I I'm a Killer

Christopher Lennertz

3: 44
27. F First Kiss

Christopher Lennertz

2: 27
28. D Driving and Chasing

Christopher Lennertz

1: 29
29. B Becca Meets the Family

Christopher Lennertz

2: 10
30. T The Breakup / Killing Jack

Christopher Lennertz

5: 01
31. F Frank Comforts Becca

Christopher Lennertz

1: 04
32. B Becca's Confrontation

Christopher Lennertz

1: 41
33. T Testing Edward

Christopher Lennertz

1: 23
34. T The Pack Arrives

Christopher Lennertz

1: 18
35. A Antoine Torn to Shreds

Christopher Lennertz

1: 11
36. B Becca Is Dead?

Christopher Lennertz

4: 05
37. R Race to Prom

Christopher Lennertz

2: 01
38. E Edward Exposed

Christopher Lennertz

3: 23
39. B Becca Must Become a Vampire

Christopher Lennertz

2: 21
40. T The Final Bite

Christopher Lennertz

1: 37

Vampires Suck Trailer

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