The Song of Sway Lake

The Song of Sway Lake Movie (2019)

Drama |

English | 1 hr 34 min | Release Date Jun 06, 2019

6.1 Digit Binge Rating

The Song of Sway Lake : Release Date, Trailer, Cast & Songs

Where to Watch / Stream The Song of Sway Lake Online

Theatrical release - Not available on any OTT Platform right now.


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The Song of Sway Lake All Songs List

01. S Sway Lake - Lost Record Version

Ethan Gold, John Grant

3: 21
02. S Sway Lake - Big Band Version

Ethan Gold, The Staves

2: 13
03. P Pure Water Opening

Ethan Gold

1: 18
04. A An Empty Lodge

Ethan Gold

0: 0
05. G Ghost at the Dock

Ethan Gold

0: 0
06. O Ollie’s Dream

Ethan Gold

1: 24
07. G Glimpses

Ethan Gold

0: 0
08. H Hal’s Hands

Ethan Gold

0: 0
09. S Starlight Reveries

Ethan Gold

1: 41
10. G Guide Boat Daylight

Ethan Gold

0: 0
11. G Guide Boat Moonlight

Ethan Gold

0: 0
12. N Nikolai’s Dream

Ethan Gold

0: 0
13. H Hallways

Ethan Gold

0: 0
14. N Nikolai’s Row

Ethan Gold

1: 14
15. P Pure Water Pills

Ethan Gold

0: 0
16. C Charlie’s Shame

Ethan Gold

1: 24
17. D Dust

Ethan Gold

0: 0
18. H Hidden in the Attic

Ethan Gold

2: 16
19. G Ghost in the Mirror

Ethan Gold

0: 0
20. O Orphan Waking

Ethan Gold

0: 0
21. K Kiss on the Point

Ethan Gold

0: 0
22. W Wet Walk

Ethan Gold

0: 0
23. O Orphan Usurper

Ethan Gold

1: 08
24. B Betrayal Reveries

Ethan Gold

1: 49
25. P Pure Water Tears

Ethan Gold

1: 03
26. T The Old Watch

Ethan Gold

0: 0
27. B Blood in the Water

Ethan Gold

1: 04
28. S Sway Lake Finale

Ethan Gold

2: 32
29. I Issa Intermezzi

Issa El­Saieh

4: 55
30. B Bittersweet J

Ethan Gold

0: 0
31. B Bittersweet Orchestra

Ethan Gold

0: 0
32. B Bittersweet Finale

Ethan Gold

2: 24
33. D Drone Symphone

Ethan Gold

1: 09
34. O Orphan Orchestra

Ethan Gold

0: 0
35. O Orphan Finale

Ethan Gold

3: 44
36. P Pure Water Dark Opening

Ethan Gold

1: 16
37. Q Quiet Lake Orchestra

Ethan Gold

1: 03
38. Q Quiet Lake Finale

Ethan Gold

2: 01
39. S Small Combo

Ethan Gold

3: 24
40. F Family Piano Exercise

Ethan Gold

1: 58
41. O Orphan Steps

Ethan Gold

0: 0
42. M Mice

Ethan Gold

0: 0
43. H Hymns on the Lake

Ethan Gold

1: 09
44. R Ripples Electric

Ethan Gold

0: 0
45. T Timmy Theme 1

Ethan Gold

1: 20
46. T Timmy Theme 2

Ethan Gold

1: 01
47. G Ghost Theme

Ethan Gold

0: 0
48. S Sway Lake - Swing Demo

Ethan Gold

2: 59
49. S Sway Lake - Rhumba Demo

Ethan Gold

3: 04

The Song of Sway Lake Trailer

The Song of Sway Lake play

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