The New World

The New World Movie (2005)

Romance | Drama | Historical |

English | 2 hr 31 min | Release Date Dec 24, 2005

6.6 Digit Binge Rating

The New World : Release Date, Trailer, Cast & Songs

Where to Watch / Stream The New World Online

Theatrical release - Not available on any OTT Platform right now.


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The New World All Songs List

01. S Si Se Mueve


3: 42
02. D Details


3: 21
03. P Por Que


3: 42
04. A Andas


3: 40
05. B B.U.S.I.N.E.S.S.


3: 56
06. G Get Out


3: 35
07. T The Dogs


3: 18
08. A A Day in L.A.


3: 48
09. T The New World


3: 57
10. L Los Otros - Remix by Superaquello


4: 15
11. F Fatima and Fazlul

Stephanie Economou

1: 28
12. G Game Simulation

Stephanie Economou

0: 0
13. S Sakura Tempesta

Stephanie Economou

2: 37
14. I Imagination Over Knowledge

Stephanie Economou

1: 54
15. D Dean Kamen

Stephanie Economou

2: 02
16. K Kanon and Noi

Stephanie Economou

2: 49
17. M Mariana and Nautilus

Stephanie Economou

2: 37
18. A Aaron and the TeraWatts

Stephanie Economou

1: 37
19. L Los Angeles Regionals

Stephanie Economou

1: 25
20. C Competition Rules

Stephanie Economou

2: 25
21. T TeraWatts Final Match

Stephanie Economou

1: 51
22. C Collecting Data and Scouting

Stephanie Economou

1: 11
23. I If You Build It

Stephanie Economou

3: 01
24. V Vitruvians Play to Win

Stephanie Economou

2: 31
25. G Global Disappointment

Stephanie Economou

1: 29
26. F FIRST Teams Mobilize

Stephanie Economou

1: 34
27. M More Than Robots

Stephanie Economou

4: 19

The New World Trailer

The New World play

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