The Express

The Express Movie (2008)

Drama |

English | 2 hr 10 min | Release Date Oct 09, 2008

7.4 Digit Binge Rating

The Express : Release Date, Trailer, Cast & Songs

Where to Watch / Stream The Express Online

Theatrical release - Not available on any OTT Platform right now.


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The Express All Songs List

01. A Anything You Want - Not That


3: 22
02. B Backyard


3: 15
03. I Idea Three


3: 57
04. G Goose Blues


3: 51
05. L Like 4 the Hard Way


3: 10
06. R Rumble Strip


2: 41
07. H How Many Times


3: 21
08. S Scratch My Soul


3: 36
09. L Late Train


3: 23
10. T The Duck


3: 10
11. Y You're Listening to the Worlds


3: 21
12. J Jacob Evolving

Mark Mancina

2: 24
13. C Captain Crow - from "The Sea Beast" Soundtrack

Nell Benjamin, Laurence O'Keefe

1: 38
14. T The Fight of the Giant Crab

Mark Mancina

2: 52
15. T The Hunters Code

Mark Mancina

5: 28
16. O One More Try

Mark Mancina

2: 45
17. J Jacob into the Sea

Mark Mancina

1: 55
18. C Crow's Betrayal

Mark Mancina

2: 29
19. L Little Blue

Mark Mancina

2: 21
20. R Red

Mark Mancina

1: 59
21. G Gwen Batterbie

Mark Mancina

2: 11
22. W Wear It Down

Mark Mancina

5: 22
23. B Blue and Maisie

Mark Mancina

3: 00
24. M Maisie's Speech

Mark Mancina

2: 02
25. W Wherever the Wind Takes Us

Mark Mancina

1: 45

The Express Trailer

The Express play

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