The Confession

The Confession Movie (2010)

Drama | Suspense and Thriller |

English | 26 min | Release Date Jun 11, 2010

7.6 Digit Binge Rating

The Confession : Release Date, Trailer, Cast & Songs

Where to Watch / Stream The Confession Online

Theatrical release - Not available on any OTT Platform right now.

The Confession - Star Cast And Crew


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The Confession All Songs List

01. T The Confession

Composer A

3: 28
02. M Meenamma

Venu Srirangam, Geetha Madhuri

4: 19
03. D Dinchaku Dinchaku

Saketh Komanduri

2: 33
04. R Rahasya Premikudu

Sony Komanduri

4: 03
05. T Thana Chinni Navve

Kalyani Malik

3: 21
06. C Count Wonderful

Mark Mothersbaugh

0: 0
07. L Leaving The Hotel To Both Of Us

Mark Mothersbaugh

1: 47
08. V Vision Of Hotel Johnny

Mark Mothersbaugh

0: 0
09. S Serious Real Estate Law

Mark Mothersbaugh

1: 31
10. V Van Helsing's Basement Lab / Meet Gigi

Mark Mothersbaugh

1: 06
11. J Johnny Transforms

Mark Mothersbaugh

0: 0
12. E Everything OK Down Here?

Mark Mothersbaugh

0: 0
13. I I'm A Monster / Chases

Mark Mothersbaugh

3: 07
14. D Dangerous Journey

Mark Mothersbaugh

1: 34
15. D Drac Pack Transformation

Mark Mothersbaugh

1: 38
16. D Drac Flies Gremlin Air

Mark Mothersbaugh

1: 29
17. D Dad Are You In Here?

Mark Mothersbaugh

1: 09
18. A Arriving In South America

Mark Mothersbaugh

1: 47
19. H Human Drac Pack

Mark Mothersbaugh

1: 54
20. H Hiking Montage

Mark Mothersbaugh

1: 50
21. B Battling Gigi

Mark Mothersbaugh

1: 18
22. V Vampires Of The Jungle

Mark Mothersbaugh

1: 18
23. M Monster Killing Blimp Pt 1

Mark Mothersbaugh

1: 07
24. M Monster Killing Blimp Pt 2 / Jeepin' And Peepin

Mark Mothersbaugh

1: 25
25. L Long Fall / You're Flying / Campfire

Mark Mothersbaugh

4: 15
26. C Crazy Car Ride / Crystal Cave Revealed

Mark Mothersbaugh

5: 05
27. C Cave Maze / Leading Johnny

Mark Mothersbaugh

1: 52
28. H Heroine With A Crystal Chaser

Mark Mothersbaugh

3: 50
29. O Ooey Gooey Center

Mark Mothersbaugh

2: 52
30. B Begin A New Chapter

Mark Mothersbaugh

2: 48
31. A Alone Time

Danny Bensi and Saunder Jurriaans

2: 30
32. I I've Got Your Gun

Danny Bensi and Saunder Jurriaans

2: 56
33. G Go Fuck Yourself

Danny Bensi and Saunder Jurriaans

0: 0
34. W Walk

Danny Bensi and Saunder Jurriaans

2: 39
35. S Scissor

Danny Bensi and Saunder Jurriaans

0: 0
36. W What Ever It Takes

Danny Bensi and Saunder Jurriaans

3: 56
37. W Wedding Day

Danny Bensi and Saunder Jurriaans

2: 03
38. G Gardener

Danny Bensi and Saunder Jurriaans

4: 29
39. C Call 911

Danny Bensi and Saunder Jurriaans

1: 46
40. I I'm So Sorry

Danny Bensi and Saunder Jurriaans

1: 23
41. H He's Fucking Dead

Danny Bensi and Saunder Jurriaans

2: 19
42. Y You're Not A Killer

Danny Bensi and Saunder Jurriaans

3: 54
43. M Money Is Here

Danny Bensi and Saunder Jurriaans

3: 09
44. Y You Fucking Killed Him

Danny Bensi and Saunder Jurriaans

6: 01
45. J Jim Morrison Might Have

Theo Hakola

5: 31
46. H Hook, Line And Green-Eyed Belle

Theo Hakola

4: 53
47. C Corinne Corinne

Theo Hakola

4: 40
48. S Smoke And Honey

Theo Hakola

5: 51
49. W When You're Rich You're Different

Theo Hakola

5: 01
50. P Prière Profane

Theo Hakola

5: 11
51. R Résumé

Theo Hakola

4: 53
52. N Nowhere

Theo Hakola

4: 29
53. L La Boussole

Theo Hakola

6: 46
54. C Canto Madrileño

Theo Hakola

6: 22
55. L La Complainte Du Vilain

Theo Hakola

1: 34
56. S Spokane - Remake, Bonus Track

Theo Hakola

6: 12

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