The Children Act

The Children Act Movie (2018)

Drama |

English | 1 hr 45 min | Release Date Sep 13, 2018

6.6 Digit Binge Rating

The Children Act : Release Date, Trailer, Cast & Songs

Where to Watch / Stream The Children Act Online


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The Children Act All Songs List

01. T The Beginning

Stephen Warbeck

1: 10
02. F Fiona Has To Work (Partita No. 2 In C Minor, BWV 826: IV. Sarabande [Excerpt])

Angela Hewitt

1: 44
03. P Piano Gift

Stephen Warbeck

2: 09
04. W Walking To Court (Partita No. 2 In C Minor, BWV 826: I. Sinfonia [Excerpt])

Angela Hewitt

1: 19
05. B Before The Rehearsal

Stephen Warbeck

1: 48
06. T The Visit

Stephen Warbeck

3: 00
07. T The Judgement

Stephen Warbeck

1: 40
08. T The Nieces

Stephen Warbeck

1: 06
09. P Phone Message

Stephen Warbeck

1: 22
10. O Obsession

Stephen Warbeck

0: 0
11. S Sending Adam Away

Stephen Warbeck

1: 15
12. T Train Journey

Stephen Warbeck

2: 34
13. A Adam In Newcastle

Stephen Warbeck

1: 14
14. B Before The Taxi

Stephen Warbeck

4: 44
15. R Royal Courts Of Justice

Stephen Warbeck

1: 05
16. I I Am The Monarch Of The Sea

Stephen Warbeck

1: 10
17. T The Message

Stephen Warbeck

1: 33
18. T The Concert

Stephen Warbeck

1: 46
19. T The Hospice

Stephen Warbeck

4: 26
20. F Fiona's Story

Stephen Warbeck

3: 43
21. T The End

Stephen Warbeck

6: 38
22. O Orson's Army

Batu Sener

2: 16
23. J Journey to the Lost Lagoon

Batu Sener

3: 11
24. R Reuniting with an Old Friend

Batu Sener

2: 35
25. L Lagoon Fight

Batu Sener

4: 09
26. F Fall of the Union

Batu Sener

1: 26
27. F Finding Courage

Batu Sener

1: 42
28. T Training with Zee

Batu Sener

1: 26
29. B Battle of the Watering Hole

Batu Sener

8: 09
30. P Possums' Independence

Batu Sener

5: 45
31. D Dr. Buckminster

Batu Sener

1: 13
32. K Key

William Cunningham

2: 26
33. B Boy

William Cunningham

2: 57

The Children Act Trailer

The Children Act play

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