The Best of Me

The Best of Me Movie (2014)

Romance | Drama |

English | 1 hr 57 min | Release Date Oct 14, 2014

6.6 Digit Binge Rating

The Best of Me : Release Date, Trailer, Cast & Songs

Where to Watch / Stream The Best of Me Online

Theatrical release - Not available on any OTT Platform right now.


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The Best of Me All Songs List

01. M Main Title

Aaron Zigman

2: 51
02. R Rig Explosion

Aaron Zigman

2: 09
03. A Amanda Hears About Tuck

Aaron Zigman

1: 28
04. D Dawson Arrives at Tuck's

Aaron Zigman

1: 22
05. D Dawson and Amanda Study

Aaron Zigman

0: 0
06. Y You Wanna Hit Me?

Aaron Zigman

1: 35
07. F First Kiss

Aaron Zigman

1: 30
08. W Wounds Never Heal

Aaron Zigman

0: 0
09. K Kiss in The Rain

Aaron Zigman

1: 37
10. C College Application

Aaron Zigman

0: 0
11. A A Rose and a Kiss

Aaron Zigman

3: 05
12. D Dawson's Scars

Aaron Zigman

0: 0
13. H How Do I Fall Back in Love?

Aaron Zigman

0: 0
14. C Cole Attacks Tuck

Aaron Zigman

1: 38
15. S Scattering Ashes

Aaron Zigman

1: 06
16. V Vengeance

Aaron Zigman

0: 0
17. T The Fight

Aaron Zigman

1: 52
18. D DEA Raid

Aaron Zigman

1: 18
19. D Dawson Breaks it Off

Aaron Zigman

1: 57
20. I I Waited for You

Aaron Zigman

1: 30
21. M Making Love

Aaron Zigman

1: 24
22. W We're the Lucky Ones

Aaron Zigman

1: 35
23. I It's Tomorrow

Aaron Zigman

2: 38
24. T Tuck's Letter

Aaron Zigman

1: 52
25. H He's Not Like Them

Aaron Zigman

0: 0
26. D Dawson Rescues Aaron

Aaron Zigman

0: 0
27. F Found Heart / Dreaming

Aaron Zigman

1: 13
28. A Amanda Finds Out

Aaron Zigman

2: 36
29. A Amanda Reads the Letter

Aaron Zigman

3: 02

The Best of Me Trailer

The Best of Me play

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