Title | Teeth |
Release status | Released |
Release date | Sep 25, 2015 |
OTT Release date | Not available on any OTT Platform right now |
Language | English |
Genre | Horror, Drama, Fantasy, Animation, Suspense and Thriller |
Actors | Richard E. Grant, Elisabeth Raine, Haley Beltran, Grace Protzmann, Nya Garner |
Director | Tom Brown, Daniel Gray, Jennifer Cox |
Digit binge rating | 6.7 |
Duration | 20 min |
Theatrical release - Not available on any OTT Platform right now.
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4: 36Disclaimer: All content and media has been sourced from original content streaming platforms, such as Disney Hotstar, Amazon Prime, Netflix, etc. Digit Binge is an aggregator of content and does not claim any rights on the content. The copyrights of all the content belongs to their respective original owners and streaming service providers. All content has been linked to respective service provider platforms.This product uses the TMDb API but is not endorsed or certified by
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