State of Alabama vs. Brittany Smith

State of Alabama vs. Brittany Smith Movie (2022)

Crime | Other | Documentary | Latest English Movies

English | 40 min | Release Date Nov 09, 2022

6.0 Digit Binge Rating

State of Alabama vs. Brittany Smith : Release Date, Trailer, Cast & Songs

State of Alabama vs. Brittany Smith Storyline

State of Alabama vs. Brittany Smith Movie (2022) is a film about the countless women in prison who are convicted for killing their rapists or ...Read More

abusers, focusing on the experience of one woman on trial for murder. The documentary tells the harrowing story of a woman who is trying to use Alabama’s Stand Your Ground law after killing a man she says brutally attacked her. State of Alabama vs. Brittany Smith is a layered analysis of the American South, domestic and sexual violence, and the failures of our criminal justice system. Based on a real incident, Brittany Smith testified that Todd Smith the person she killed had raped and strangled her earlier in the night at her home in Stevenson. Todd Smith had held her brother in a headlock and threatened to kill him if Brittany protested or fired a gun. Britany testified in her statement, that she did what she had to do to save her life and her brother’s. Reporter Ashley Remkus covered Smith’s arrest and trial. Smith was convicted to 20 years in prison, and was later released after getting credit for time spent in jail awaiting her trial.

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