
Rooney Movie (2022)

Documentary | Latest English Movies

English | 1 hr 45 min | Release Date Feb 10, 2022

6.6 Digit Binge Rating

Rooney : Release Date, Trailer, Cast & Songs

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Rooney All Songs List

01. r rooney

Mevlude Krsnik

1: 53
02. S Samayama


5: 06
03. E Entha Varaku


5: 03
04. I Interludes

ES Murthy

5: 59
05. Y You Just Never Know

Michael Stanley

5: 27
06. S Survive and Advance

Michael Stanley

4: 22
07. M Maybe This Is the Day

Michael Stanley

4: 43
08. V Velvet Parkway

Michael Stanley

5: 57
09. B Breaking News

Michael Stanley

3: 44
10. U Unfinished Business

Michael Stanley

5: 11
11. G Get in Line

Michael Stanley

4: 58
12. T Taking the Long Way Around

Michael Stanley

4: 11
13. S Same River Twice

Michael Stanley

5: 20
14. D Dark Angels

Michael Stanley

7: 22
15. O Opening

Walter Mair

3: 06
16. L Largo

Walter Mair

1: 31
17. F France Build Up

Walter Mair

2: 21
18. N No Pressure

Walter Mair

2: 23
19. A August 2006

Walter Mair

3: 40
20. T The Escort

Walter Mair

2: 46
21. M Mufc Debut

Walter Mair

3: 04
22. P Portugal Match

Walter Mair

2: 47
23. B Bad News

Walter Mair

1: 32
24. R Rooney Keeps Staying

Walter Mair

1: 03
25. A Another Day

Walter Mair

1: 55
26. P Pan to Rooney

Walter Mair

1: 55
27. A A Scandal

Walter Mair

1: 10
28. D Dressing Room

Walter Mair

1: 50
29. L Liverpool

Walter Mair

1: 28
30. C Chelsea Injury

Walter Mair

2: 50
31. P Portugal Hotel

Walter Mair

1: 47
32. P Portugal Build Up

Walter Mair

0: 0
33. S Strong Minded Lady

Walter Mair

2: 56
34. B Bellefield

Walter Mair

0: 0
35. S Sending Off

Walter Mair

2: 21
36. T Twenty Million

Walter Mair

2: 06
37. F France 2004

Walter Mair

3: 40
38. J Joganiya

Mamta Sharma, Chhaila Bihari, Siddhant Madhav

4: 28
39. E Everyday

Seventh Star

3: 22
40. I In the Lie of the Beholder

Seventh Star

3: 22
41. B Bondservant

Seventh Star

2: 32
42. C Coldest Day

Seventh Star

3: 19
43. G Game Over

Seventh Star

4: 04
44. B Blood Money

Seventh Star

2: 32
45. D Dead End

Seventh Star

7: 12
46. E European Trek

Joe Kraemer

6: 19
47. B Brothers

Joe Kraemer

2: 18
48. O One Last Mission

Joe Kraemer

1: 57
49. L Letters from Home

Joe Kraemer

3: 12
50. C Chase Through the Forest

Joe Kraemer

2: 16
51. T The Mountain

Joe Kraemer

3: 18
52. T The Last Night

Joe Kraemer

5: 36
53. A And Then the Bigfoot

Joe Kraemer

2: 05
54. R Resolution

Joe Kraemer

2: 31
55. F Finale and End Credits

Joe Kraemer

9: 15
56. S SeeMeWin


2: 37
57. T TalkinShit


3: 23
58. V VoicesNMyHead


4: 05

Rooney Trailer

Rooney play

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