Rocket Science

Rocket Science Movie (2007)

Comedy | Drama |

English | 1 hr 41 min | Release Date Jan 18, 2007

6.5 Digit Binge Rating

Rocket Science : Release Date, Trailer, Cast & Songs

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Theatrical release - Not available on any OTT Platform right now.


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Rocket Science All Songs List

01. O Opening

Eef Barzelay

1: 45
02. F Fight Song Melodies

Eef Barzelay

3: 32
03. B Battle Hymn on Uke

Eef Barzelay

0: 0
04. H Hal Running

Eef Barzelay

1: 32
05. T The Blob

Guy Klucevsek, David Garland

3: 08
06. P Promise of Love

Eef Barzelay

3: 22
07. B Blister in the Sun

Sam Matthews, Houfei Yang

0: 0
08. D Do You Love Me?

Eef Barzelay

3: 21
09. D Down and Dirty

Eef Barzelay

0: 0
10. K Kiss Off

Violent Femmes

2: 51
11. A After the Cello

Eef Barzelay

1: 03
12. B Bus to Hazlet

Eef Barzelay

1: 18
13. B Boy Ghost

Eef Barzelay

1: 11
14. W Welcome to Trenton

Eef Barzelay

0: 0
15. I I Love the Unknown

Eef Barzelay

2: 43
16. W Walk and Talk

Eef Barzelay

2: 14
17. B Battle Hymn of the Republic

Eef Barzelay

4: 15
18. F Failed to Open

Eef Barzelay

2: 52
19. D Demo Medley

Eef Barzelay

2: 19
20. G Girls Don't Care

Eef Barzelay

3: 16
21. H Hoodoo Highway

Rocket Science

5: 29
22. D Don't Call Me Johnny

Rocket Science

3: 03
23. I I Can't Take It No More

Rocket Science

2: 35
24. S Strand Of Gold

Rocket Science

3: 31
25. L Learning To Dance

Rocket Science

3: 51
26. L Love Turned To Stone

Rocket Science

2: 26
27. N Never Too Old To Rock

Rocket Science

3: 44
28. V Vacation

Rocket Science

3: 48
29. C Clean, Hammer, Repeat

Gustavo Santaolalla, Juan Luqui

0: 0
30. I Insect's Parade

Gustavo Santaolalla

1: 47
31. A At The Lounge

Gustavo Santaolalla

3: 24
32. B Bug's Trick

Gustavo Santaolalla, Juan Luqui

0: 0
33. D Disco Kid

Gustavo Santaolalla

2: 49
34. T The Musical Nightmare

Gustavo Santaolalla

2: 06
35. P Pipe Dream

Gustavo Santaolalla

1: 51
36. F Final Parade

Gustavo Santaolalla

1: 43
37. T The House

Gustavo Santaolalla

2: 07
38. P Playing Around

Gustavo Santaolalla

1: 49
39. J Jen's Dance

Gustavo Santaolalla

0: 0
40. M Mr. Cosmos

Gustavo Santaolalla

1: 34
41. P Playing Alone

Gustavo Santaolalla, Juan Luqui

0: 0
42. O Old Time Movie

Gustavo Santaolalla, Juan Luqui

0: 0
43. E Empty House

Gustavo Santaolalla

1: 45
44. C Cosmo's Dance

Gustavo Santaolalla

0: 0
45. T The Longing

Gustavo Santaolalla

1: 29
46. M Mist Spell

Gustavo Santaolalla

0: 0
47. H Harmoniumdrone

Gustavo Santaolalla

2: 26
48. T Two Ways

Gustavo Santaolalla

1: 47
49. T Through The Fog

Gustavo Santaolalla, Juan Luqui

2: 00
50. F Free At Last

Gustavo Santaolalla

3: 12
51. T This House Is...

Gustavo Santaolalla, Jarvis Cocker

4: 08

Rocket Science Trailer

Rocket Science play

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