Repo! The Genetic Opera

Repo! The Genetic Opera Movie (2008)

Horror | Sci-Fi | Dance and Music |

English | 1 hr 38 min | Release Date Nov 06, 2008

6.3 Digit Binge Rating

Repo! The Genetic Opera : Release Date, Trailer, Cast & Songs

Where to Watch / Stream Repo! The Genetic Opera Online

Theatrical release - Not available on any OTT Platform right now.

Repo! The Genetic Opera - Star Cast And Crew


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Repo! The Genetic Opera All Songs List

01. A At the Opera Tonight

Bill Moseley, Paul Sorvino, Sarah Brightman, Anthony Stewart Head, Alexa Vega, Terrance Zdunich, Ogre

2: 11
02. C Crucifixus

Sarah Brightman

1: 48
03. T Things You See in a Graveyard

Paul Sorvino

3: 13
04. I Infected

Alexa Vega

3: 27
05. L Legal Assassin

Anthony Stewart Head

3: 43
06. B Bravi!

Bill Moseley, Paul Sorvino, Paris Hilton, Sarah Brightman, Ogre

0: 0
07. 2 21st Century Cure

Terrance Zdunich

3: 42
08. M Mark It Up

Bill Moseley, Paris Hilton, Ogre

1: 52
09. C Can't Get It up If the Girl's Breathing?

Paris Hilton, Terrance Zdunich

0: 0
10. Z Zydrate Anatomy

Paris Hilton, Alexa Vega, Terrance Zdunich

3: 24
11. T Thankless Job

Anthony Stewart Head

1: 41
12. C Chase the Morning

Sarah Brightman, Alexa Vega, Nancy Long

3: 05
13. N Night Surgeon

Bill Moseley, Paul Sorvino, Anthony Stewart Head, Ogre

2: 37
14. S Seventeen

Alexa Vega

1: 51
15. G Gold

Paul Sorvino

3: 03
16. W We Started This Op'ra Shit

Bill Moseley, Paul Sorvino, Darren Smith, Ogre, Poe

2: 45
17. N Needle Through a Bug

Alexa Vega, Terrance Zdunich

1: 42
18. C Chromaggia

Sarah Brightman

2: 36
19. L Let the Monster Rise

Anthony Stewart Head, Alexa Vega

2: 42
20. I I Didn't Know I'd Love You so Much

Anthony Stewart Head, Alexa Vega

2: 06
21. G Genetic Emancipation

Alexa Vega

2: 15
22. G Genetic Repo Man

Terrance Zdunich

3: 00
23. G Girlz and Boyz

Cesar De Melero

5: 38
24. M My Real Elektro Beat

Cesar De Melero

3: 39
25. D Dub 4 Love

Cesar De Melero

4: 56
26. F From Far Away

Cesar De Melero

4: 17
27. T This is Bayrüt

Cesar De Melero

4: 39
28. C Cocoloco boy

Cesar De Melero

4: 54
29. W Woman's liberation

Cesar De Melero

4: 18
30. F Familiar Track

Cesar De Melero

2: 31
31. D Dub 2 Dark

Cesar De Melero

4: 31
32. F From my French friends

Cesar De Melero

4: 50
33. T The Last Victim

Cesar De Melero

4: 50

Repo! The Genetic Opera Trailer

Repo! The Genetic Opera play

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