Red Lights

Red Lights Movie (2012)

Suspense and Thriller |

English | 1 hr 59 min | Release Date Mar 01, 2012

6.2 Digit Binge Rating

Red Lights : Release Date, Trailer, Cast & Songs

Where to Watch / Stream Red Lights Online

Theatrical release - Not available on any OTT Platform right now.


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Red Lights All Songs List

01. M Main Titles

Víctor Reyes

1: 52
02. H Hocus Pocus

Víctor Reyes

2: 42
03. T Too Much Light

Víctor Reyes

3: 01
04. Y You Know Palladino From Before?

Víctor Reyes

5: 09
05. L Lost Lonely Woman

Víctor Reyes

1: 23
06. H Hello?

Víctor Reyes

1: 35
07. H He Made Me Doubt

Víctor Reyes

1: 53
08. W What's Going On? / Whatever It Takes

Víctor Reyes

2: 06
09. S Stand Up!

Víctor Reyes

1: 16
10. I I Wasn't With Her

Víctor Reyes

1: 37
11. C Come On, Come On...

Víctor Reyes

2: 17
12. I I Just Need To Know

Víctor Reyes

3: 35
13. 2 2:00 AM

Víctor Reyes

1: 57
14. O Open Your Eyes

Víctor Reyes

0: 0
15. C Concentrate, Ben!

Víctor Reyes

3: 47
16. U Umbrellas

Víctor Reyes

1: 33
17. W What Is It You've Come To See?

Víctor Reyes

2: 40
18. I It's A Code

Víctor Reyes

2: 35
19. . ... And Then You Wake Up

Víctor Reyes

3: 21
20. D Dear Margaret

Víctor Reyes

5: 33
21. E End Credits

Víctor Reyes

2: 11
22. M Mr. Cooper Had an Idea

Christian Jessup

11: 39
23. B Beauty Killed the Beast

Christian Jessup

3: 28
24. T The Beast Will Fall for Beauty

Christian Jessup

3: 26
25. B Bring the Tripod!

Christian Jessup

10: 23
26. G Good Times Never Last

Christian Jessup

2: 48
27. H He's Had Enough of Civilization

Christian Jessup

1: 27
28. T The Airplanes Got Him

Christian Jessup

4: 33
29. K Kong Is Not the Only King

Christian Jessup

1: 07
30. G Godzilla

Christian Jessup

2: 48
31. T The World Needs Kong

Christian Jessup

2: 22
32. T The Eighth Wonder of the World

Christian Jessup

3: 47
33. I I Am Kong!

Christian Jessup

14: 47

Red Lights Trailer

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