
Rags Movie (2012)

Comedy | Drama | Other | Dance and Music |

English | 1 hr 28 min | Release Date May 27, 2012

6.6 Digit Binge Rating

Rags : Release Date, Trailer, Cast & Songs

Where to Watch / Stream Rags Online

Theatrical release - Not available on any OTT Platform right now.


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Rags All Songs List

01. S Sweet Caroline Charleston

Percussions Claviers de Lyon

3: 07
02. B Bethena

Percussions Claviers de Lyon

6: 52
03. M Mapple Leaf Rag

Percussions Claviers de Lyon

3: 07
04. N Nola

Percussions Claviers de Lyon

4: 10
05. C Chicken Reel

Percussions Claviers de Lyon

3: 36
06. G Gallop

Percussions Claviers de Lyon

2: 37
07. O Original Rag

Percussions Claviers de Lyon

5: 26
08. T Temptation Revamp

Percussions Claviers de Lyon

2: 38
09. P Pine Apple Rag

Percussions Claviers de Lyon

4: 28
10. D Dotty Dimples

Percussions Claviers de Lyon

3: 07
11. O One Step Charleston

Percussions Claviers de Lyon

7: 00
12. C Canadian Capers

Percussions Claviers de Lyon

4: 29
13. D Dill Pickles

Percussions Claviers de Lyon

2: 06
14. T The Entertainer

Percussions Claviers de Lyon

5: 35
15. F Fluffy Ruffles

Percussions Claviers de Lyon

3: 05
16. M Mallet à la Zurke

Percussions Claviers de Lyon

2: 32
17. X Xylophonia

Percussions Claviers de Lyon

3: 50
18. T Trophy Case

J.J. Pfeifer

0: 0
19. D Dreaming of Skylar 2

J.J. Pfeifer

1: 07
20. P Pictures from Beyond

J.J. Pfeifer

3: 56
21. D Doris YouTube Videos

J.J. Pfeifer

0: 0
22. S Skylar Admires Tessa's Work

J.J. Pfeifer

1: 51
23. W Window Between Worlds

J.J. Pfeifer

1: 15
24. T Trying to Make Contact

J.J. Pfeifer

1: 40
25. M Making Contact

J.J. Pfeifer

2: 26
26. I I Never Got to Tell Him

J.J. Pfeifer

0: 0
27. H Hospital Breakout

J.J. Pfeifer

1: 47
28. L Love Never Dies

J.J. Pfeifer

9: 36
29. A Attend to Our Ghosts

J.J. Pfeifer

2: 13
30. I In Between

J.J. Pfeifer, Grace Meredith

3: 28

Rags Trailer

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