Malayalam Movies have an amazing storyline which you can enjoy with your whole family. They have a lot of action and entertainment. It is a promising year for the upcoming Malayalam movie. Here is a complete list of the upcoming Mollywood movies with their release dates. The new upcoming Malayalam movie will keep you entertained. We have curated the list of Malayalam movies that are big-budget and have a lot of action, drama, and romance, as well as offbeat films. Check out the complete list of Malayalam movies that you can enjoy with your friends and family.
Title | Genre | Release Year |
Narayaneente Moonnaanmakkal (നാരായണീൻ്റെ മൂന്നാൺമക്കൾ) | 2025 | |
I Am Kathalan (ഐ ആം കാതലാണ്) | Suspense and Thriller | 2025 |
Pani (പണി) | Drama | 2025 | is one of the most trusted and popular technology media portals in India. At Digit it is our goal to help Indian technology users decide what tech products they should buy. We do this by testing thousands of products in our two test labs in Noida and Mumbai, to arrive at indepth and unbiased buying advice for millions of Indians.