Life In A Year

Life In A Year Movie (2020)

Romance | Drama | Latest Hindi Movies

Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, English | 1 hr 47 min | Release Date Dec 31, 2020

6.2 Digit Binge Rating

Life In A Year : Release Date, Trailer, Cast & Songs

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Life In A Year All Songs List

01. L Life in a Year - Instrumental Version


2: 00
02. F Forever And Back

Brian Tyler

2: 57
03. A Adventure Through The Woods

Brian Tyler

2: 33
04. M Momentum

Brian Tyler

4: 07
05. S Sunrise

Brian Tyler

3: 04
06. M Motel Sell

Brian Tyler

2: 57
07. C Connection

Brian Tyler

1: 54
08. A Affirmations

Brian Tyler

3: 46
09. A Adrift In Memory

Brian Tyler

1: 57
10. T The Getaway

Brian Tyler

1: 54
11. W We've Gotta Go

Brian Tyler

2: 21
12. H Howie's Secret

Brian Tyler

2: 45
13. O Officer Not So Friendly

Brian Tyler

2: 35
14. E Empathy

Brian Tyler

2: 29
15. F Finale

Brian Tyler

5: 15
16. E End Titles

Brian Tyler

1: 57
17. D Dreamphone

Adam Newman

4: 38
18. L Life In A Year :)

Lil Sensation

1: 22
19. L Life in a Year (2020)


2: 44

Life In A Year Trailer

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