Just Let Go

Just Let Go Movie (2015)

Drama |

English | 1 hr 46 min | Release Date Oct 08, 2015

6.6 Digit Binge Rating

Just Let Go : Release Date, Trailer, Cast & Songs

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Just Let Go All Songs List

01. J Just Let Go!

Distant Sonrise

5: 14
02. J Just Let Go

Clover Acoustic

2: 42
03. L Love

Clover Acoustic

3: 23
04. L Love Somebody

Clover Acoustic

3: 21
05. S Shazam


2: 50
06. F Fenix


2: 58
07. F Freedom Comes


2: 22
08. M Me and My Love


3: 13
09. T The Overtime


3: 20
10. F Find A Way


2: 37
11. I I Give You Everything


3: 15
12. M Make It To My Town


2: 36
13. W Walk and Drip


3: 03
14. J Just Let Go - Original Mix


7: 19
15. G Groove & Understanding - Original Mix


8: 04
16. B Breath In The Air - Original Mix


8: 41
17. E Empty

Shane Hines

4: 13
18. S Save a Life

Calee Reed

3: 00
19. M Movin On

Oli K

3: 16
20. C Chase Me

Torn In Two

4: 15
21. H Hold On

Elaine Bradley

3: 24
22. N Never Letting You Go (feat. One Voice Children's Choir & Viviena Wolfgramm)

Shaun Canon, One Voice Children's Choir, Viviena Wolfgramm

3: 55
23. R Rise & Fall

Ryan Innes

3: 53
24. W We Can Be Friends (feat. Kimberly Knighton)

Shaun Canon, Kimberly Knighton

2: 57
25. H How to Let Go

Tanner Townsend

3: 28

Just Let Go Trailer

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