Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek Movie (2021)

Comedy | Horror | Mystery | Drama | Documentary | Suspense and Thriller | Latest English Movies

English | 1 hr 25 min | Release Date Nov 18, 2021

7.3 Digit Binge Rating

Hide and Seek : Release Date, Trailer, Cast & Songs

Where to Watch / Stream Hide and Seek Online

Theatrical release - Not available on any OTT Platform right now.


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Hide and Seek All Songs List

01. H Hide and Seek

Merlin Allsopp

1: 30
02. B Bad Decisions

Two Door Cinema Club

4: 57
03. P Psycho

A$AP Ferg

2: 59
04. S Save Me

Aimee Mann

4: 34
05. G Genghis Khan

Mike Snow

3: 33
06. D Don't You Wait


3: 59
07. T The Dickhead Song

Miles Betterman

3: 29
08. S Somebody Else

The 1975

5: 47
09. W When They Fight They Fight


3: 21
10. H Hard Luck

Black Pistol Fire

2: 37
11. W When I'm Small


4: 07
12. B Big Jet Plane

Angus & Julia Stone, Julia Stone

4: 00
13. T To Build a Home

The Cinematic Orchestra

6: 10
14. S Sky on Fire (Eo17 Remix)

Handsome Poets

3: 32
15. G Ghost in the Wind


4: 31
16. N Nadine's Theme

Atli Örvarsson

3: 44
17. T The Hug

Atli Örvarsson

2: 11
18. H Hide and Seek - Le Youth Remix

Catie Turner, Le Youth

3: 51

Hide and Seek Trailer

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