Golden Years

Golden Years Movie (2016)

Comedy | Crime |

English | 1 hr 36 min | Release Date Apr 28, 2016

6.1 Digit Binge Rating

Golden Years : Release Date, Trailer, Cast & Songs

Where to Watch / Stream Golden Years Online

Theatrical release - Not available on any OTT Platform right now.


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Golden Years All Songs List

01. G Golden Years

Acid Klowns From Outer Space, Jason Rivas

3: 32
02. G Golden Years - Dub Mix

Acid Klowns From Outer Space, Jason Rivas

3: 32
03. G Golden Years - DJ Tool

Acid Klowns From Outer Space, Jason Rivas

2: 44
04. G Golden Years - OLWIK Remix

Dia Frampton, OLWIK

2: 58
05. G Golden Years - Rytmeklubben Remix

Dia Frampton, Rytmeklubben

3: 49
06. G Golden Years - KC Lights Remix

Dia Frampton, KC Lights

5: 39
07. H Hawking, Zip It

Rob Simonsen

4: 43
08. P Plan A

Rob Simonsen

1: 54
09. Y You Can Be a Real Jerk

Rob Simonsen

1: 21
10. W Who's This?

Rob Simonsen

1: 49
11. T Tell Him

Rob Simonsen

1: 46
12. F Find Him

Rob Simonsen

0: 0
13. O Ouchie with the Face

Rob Simonsen

3: 07
14. L Look Up

Rob Simonsen

2: 55
15. I I Found You

Rob Simonsen

2: 39
16. E Echo of This One

Rob Simonsen

2: 01
17. T They Found Us

Rob Simonsen

2: 46
18. P Plan

Rob Simonsen

2: 10
19. L Laura

Rob Simonsen

1: 08
20. P Punch That Sh*t

Rob Simonsen

2: 00
21. I Is This Time Travel?

Rob Simonsen

2: 00
22. H He Doesn't Need Perfect

Rob Simonsen

1: 24
23. B Butternut Sippy Cup

Rob Simonsen

3: 53
24. T Take Your Son to Work Day

Rob Simonsen

1: 34
25. S Supper Time, Spanky

Rob Simonsen

1: 11
26. Y You Never Understood the Science

Rob Simonsen

2: 37
27. C Catch

Rob Simonsen

4: 28
28. I I Found You Again

Rob Simonsen

1: 42

Golden Years Trailer

Golden Years play

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