Elizabeth: The Golden Age

Elizabeth: The Golden Age Movie (2007)

Romance | Drama | Historical |

English | 1 hr 54 min | Release Date Sep 08, 2007

6.6 Digit Binge Rating

Elizabeth: The Golden Age : Release Date, Trailer, Cast & Songs

Where to Watch / Stream Elizabeth: The Golden Age Online

Theatrical release - Not available on any OTT Platform right now.


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Elizabeth: The Golden Age All Songs List

01. A Armstrong: Opening

Craig Armstrong, A.R. Rahman

1: 32
02. A Armstrong: Philip

Craig Armstrong, A.R. Rahman

1: 52
03. A Armstrong: Now You Grow Dull

Craig Armstrong, A.R. Rahman

0: 0
04. A Armstrong: Horseriding

Craig Armstrong, A.R. Rahman

1: 39
05. A Armstrong: Immensities

Craig Armstrong, A.R. Rahman

2: 41
06. A Armstrong: Bess and Raleigh Dance

Craig Armstrong, A.R. Rahman

2: 35
07. M Mary's Beheading

A.R. Rahman, Craig Armstrong

3: 22
08. A Armstrong: End Puddle / Possible Suitors

Craig Armstrong, A.R. Rahman

2: 07
09. A Armstrong: War / Realisation

Craig Armstrong, A.R. Rahman

2: 58
10. A Armstrong: Destiny Theme

Craig Armstrong, A.R. Rahman

2: 32
11. A Armstrong: Smile Lines

Craig Armstrong, A.R. Rahman

1: 15
12. A Armstrong: Bess to see Throckmorton

Craig Armstrong, A.R. Rahman

1: 04
13. A Armstrong: Dr Dee Part 1

Craig Armstrong, A.R. Rahman

3: 18
14. A Armstrong: Horseback Address

Craig Armstrong, A.R. Rahman

2: 27
15. B Battle

A.R. Rahman, Craig Armstrong

3: 29
16. A Armstrong: Love Theme

Craig Armstrong, A.R. Rahman

2: 52
17. D Divinity Theme

A.R. Rahman, Craig Armstrong

5: 08
18. S Storm

Craig Armstrong, A.R. Rahman

3: 00
19. A Armstrong: Walsingham Death Bed

Craig Armstrong, A.R. Rahman

1: 52
20. A Armstrong: Closing

Craig Armstrong, A.R. Rahman

2: 01

Elizabeth: The Golden Age Trailer

Elizabeth: The Golden Age play

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