Dark Places

Dark Places Movie (2015)

Mystery | Crime | Drama | Suspense and Thriller |

English | 1 hr 53 min | Release Date Apr 07, 2015

6.2 Digit Binge Rating

Dark Places : Release Date, Trailer, Cast & Songs

Where to Watch / Stream Dark Places Online

Theatrical release - Not available on any OTT Platform right now.


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Dark Places All Songs List

01. D Dark Places


3: 45
02. S Something Wrong

CML Artists

1: 47
03. F Forsaken Urn

CML Artists

0: 0
04. D Dark Corners

CML Artists

2: 40
05. T The Unfamiliar

CML Artists

2: 47
06. M Mystery Field

CML Artists

1: 40
07. T To The Finish

CML Artists

1: 51
08. E Evil Lurks

CML Artists

2: 15
09. E Evil Lurking

CML Artists

2: 16
10. C Crossed Paths

CML Artists

3: 09
11. D Dark Waters

CML Artists

3: 14
12. F Fear Factory

CML Artists

3: 04
13. T The Mist

CML Artists

0: 0
14. T The Unseen

CML Artists

3: 14
15. U Unknown Danger

CML Artists

2: 07
16. M Mysterious Tribal

CML Artists

1: 40
17. H Haunting Groove

CML Artists

2: 46
18. F Full of Life

Selah Sue

3: 22
19. P Pills - Single Version

Selah Sue

2: 58
20. H Hurray

Selah Sue, Benjamin Epps

2: 41
21. F Free Fall

Selah Sue

3: 07
22. H Hurray - Black Dive Remix

Selah Sue, Black Dive

3: 52
23. Y You - Rework

Selah Sue

3: 18

Dark Places Trailer

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