Title | Dard (ডার্ড) |
Release status | Released |
Release date | Nov 14, 2024 |
OTT Release date | Not available on any OTT Platform right now |
Language | Bengali |
Genre | Action, Dance and Music |
Actors | Biswajit Chakraborty, Shakib Khan, Ariyan Mehedi, Jessia Islam, Safa Marua, Sonal Chauhan, Imtu Ratish, Rahul Dev, Rajesh Sharma, Payel Sarkar |
Director | Anonno Mamun |
Dorod is a psychological romantic thriller directed by Anonno Mamun. The film is a joint venture between Bangladesh and India, featuring Shakib Khan and Sonal ...Read More
Theatrical release - Not available on any OTT Platform right now.
Darshan Raval
3: 01Darshan Raval
3: 43Darshan Raval
2: 57Darshan Raval
2: 58Darshan Raval, Shirley Setia
4: 18Darshan Raval
3: 51Darshan Raval, Prakriti Kakar
2: 40Darshan Raval
3: 01Darshan Raval
2: 28DARD (দরদ) Movie Official Teaser | Shakib Khan | Sonal Chauhan | Anonno Mamun | Bangla Movie |
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