Brigsby Bear

Brigsby Bear Movie (2017)

Comedy | Drama |

English | 1 hr 37 min | Release Date Jul 26, 2017

7.4 Digit Binge Rating

Brigsby Bear : Release Date, Trailer, Cast & Songs

Where to Watch / Stream Brigsby Bear Online

Theatrical release - Not available on any OTT Platform right now.


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Brigsby Bear All Songs List

01. U Until Our Next Adventure

David Wingo

1: 21
02. T The Pier

David Wingo

2: 02
03. J James' Life

David Wingo

3: 41
04. T Taken Away

David Wingo

1: 33
05. N New World

David Wingo

1: 05
06. R Reunited

David Wingo

1: 01
07. T The Movies

David Wingo

0: 0
08. T The Truth About Brigsby

David Wingo

1: 25
09. C Can Anyone Do It?

David Wingo

0: 0
10. Y You're My Friend

David Wingo

2: 07
11. H Hiking

David Wingo

1: 07
12. A Aubrey and James

David Wingo

0: 0
13. D Did It Look Cool?

David Wingo

0: 0
14. F Finding the Smile Sisters

David Wingo

1: 30
15. H He Needs Help

David Wingo

3: 11
16. E Escape

David Wingo

1: 25
17. W Want to Help Us Unpack?

David Wingo

1: 49
18. P Premiere

David Wingo

3: 11
19. T The End

David Wingo

1: 20
20. I It's Brigsby Bear (Opening Theme)

David Wingo

1: 48

Brigsby Bear Trailer

Brigsby Bear play

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