Before I Wake

Before I Wake Movie (2016)

Horror | Drama | Fantasy | Suspense and Thriller |

English | 1 hr 37 min | Release Date Apr 06, 2016

6.2 Digit Binge Rating

Before I Wake : Release Date, Trailer, Cast & Songs

Where to Watch / Stream Before I Wake Online

Theatrical release - Not available on any OTT Platform right now.


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Before I Wake All Songs List

01. S Somnia

The Newton Brothers

1: 59
02. A A New Home

The Newton Brothers

1: 14
03. F Flashback

The Newton Brothers

1: 02
04. C Cody

The Newton Brothers

2: 51
05. M Monarchs

The Newton Brothers

0: 0
06. F First Day Of School / Afraid To Sleep

The Newton Brothers

2: 44
07. L Lighterflies

The Newton Brothers

1: 33
08. S Someone's Here

The Newton Brothers

1: 41
09. C Cody And Annie

The Newton Brothers

1: 03
10. F Family Portrait

The Newton Brothers

1: 49
11. S Sean

Danny Elfman

2: 01
12. I I'm Sorry

The Newton Brothers

1: 20
13. T The Life Cycle Of Butterflies

The Newton Brothers

2: 12
14. M Memories Of Sean

The Newton Brothers

1: 45
15. C Christmas

Danny Elfman

2: 02
16. I I'm Always With You

The Newton Brothers

1: 55
17. T The Bully

The Newton Brothers

1: 19
18. A Asleep In Class

The Newton Brothers

2: 26
19. I I'm Awake, This Can't Be Happening

The Newton Brothers

1: 34
20. M Missing Kid

The Newton Brothers

1: 12
21. Z Zolpidem

The Newton Brothers

1: 16
22. C Come To Bed

The Newton Brothers

1: 33
23. T Taken Away

The Newton Brothers

1: 42
24. H He Won't Wake Up

The Newton Brothers

2: 15
25. C Cody's Past

The Newton Brothers

1: 28
26. W What Happens When He Dreams?

The Newton Brothers

6: 53
27. H He Needs To Sleep

The Newton Brothers

3: 11
28. S Something's In The Bathroom

The Newton Brothers

2: 28
29. N Nightmares

The Newton Brothers

2: 48
30. D Defeated

Danny Elfman

9: 59

Before I Wake Trailer

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