Ajogyo (অযোগ্য)

Ajogyo (অযোগ্য) Movie (2024)

Romance | Drama

Bengali | Release Date Jun 12, 2024


Ajogyo (অযোগ্য) : Release Date, Trailer, Cast & Songs

Ajogyo (অযোগ্য) Storyline

Ajogyo is a Bengali movie directed by Kaushik Ganguly, set to release on June 12, 2024. The film stars Prasenjit Chatterjee, Rituparna Sengupta, Shilajit Majumdar, ...Read More

and Lily Chakravarty. The plot centers around Parna’s family, which is facing a crisis. An unexpected guest, Prosen Mitra, who is a confidante of Parna’s stay-at-home husband Raktim, arrives. The movie unfolds as it explores whether Prosen will bring happiness to the troubled middle-class family or lead them into further chaos. The film is a drama with a runtime of 3 hours and 20 minutes, and it promises to delve into the dynamics of familial relationships and the impact of an outsider on a struggling family.

Where to Watch / Stream Ajogyo (অযোগ্য) Online

Theatrical release - Not available on any OTT Platform right now.

Book Ajogyo (অযোগ্য) Tickets

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