A Prairie Home Companion

A Prairie Home Companion Movie (2006)

Comedy | Drama | Dance and Music |

English | 1 hr 45 min | Release Date Jun 08, 2006

6.6 Digit Binge Rating

A Prairie Home Companion : Release Date, Trailer, Cast & Songs

Where to Watch / Stream A Prairie Home Companion Online

Theatrical release - Not available on any OTT Platform right now.


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A Prairie Home Companion All Songs List

01. T Tishomingo Blues

Garrison Keillor

1: 59
02. G Gold Watch & Chain

Garrison Keillor, Meryl Streep

2: 39
03. M Mudslide

The Guys All-Star Shoe Band

3: 06
04. L Let Your Light Shine On Me

Garrison Keillor, Robin Williams, Linda Williams, Prudence Johnson

2: 50
05. C Coffee Jingle

Garrison Keillor, Jearlyn Steele

0: 0
06. S Summit Avenue Rag

The Guys All-Star Shoe Band

2: 44
07. G Guy's Shoes

The Guys All-Star Shoe Band

0: 0
08. W Whoop-I-Ti-Yi-Yo

Woody Harrelson, John C. Reilly

2: 33
09. C Coming Down From Red Lodge

The Guys All-Star Shoe Band

1: 56
10. Y You Have Been A Friend To Me

L.Q. Jones

2: 27
11. O Old Plank Road

Robin Williams, Linda Williams

2: 51
12. M My Minnesota Home

Meryl Streep, Lily Tomlin

3: 39
13. A A Bunch Of Guys

The Guys All-Star Shoe Band

2: 01
14. S Slow Days Of Summer

Garrison Keillor

3: 03
15. F Frankie & Johnny

Lindsay Lohan

2: 05
16. W Waitin' For You

The Guys All-Star Shoe Band

2: 41
17. J Jens Jensen's Herring

Garrison Keillor, Tim Russell

0: 0
18. R Red River Valley

Garrison Keillor, Jearlyn Steele

3: 24
19. S Strappin' the Strings

The Guys All-Star Shoe Band

2: 28
20. G Goodbye To My Mama

Meryl Streep, Lily Tomlin

3: 29
21. B Bad Jokes

Woody Harrelson, John C. Reilly

4: 42
22. T The Day Is Short

Jearlyn Steele

3: 14
23. A Atlanta Twilight

The Guys All-Star Shoe Band

2: 36
24. R Red River Valley / In The Sweet By And By

Jearlyn Steele, Meryl Streep, Lily Tomlin, Linda Williams, Robin Williams, Garrison Keillor, Woody Harrelson, Lindsay Lohan, Prudence Johnson, L.Q. Jones, Tim Russell, John C. Reilly

3: 20
25. G Guy Noir

The Guys All-Star Shoe Band

2: 27

A Prairie Home Companion Trailer

A Prairie Home Companion play

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