User Posts: Vinod Yalburgi

Tuk Tuk metre MindHelix Technologies has reportedly launched the 'Tuk Tuk meter' - India's first multi-platform auto-fare calculating mobile application based ...

Following the footsteps of the world, Google Earth has focused its attention on the soccer world cup this week. The result is an awe-inspiring treat to the ...

Nokia N9 prototype - horizontal QWERTY keyboardFinally, the short hands-on video of Nokia N9 prototype is out in the wild, showcasing the stunning hardware ...

Canon India Pvt. Ltd., India's No.1 digital imaging company today unveiled a wide range of 20 next-gen digital cameras and DV camcorders targeting its ...

It is reported that German scientists have been successful in creating clouds using laser in controlled lab environment and spark rain on demand all over the ...

Fly DS102 - dual-SIM budget music phonehas reportedly its latest budget music phone DS102 today. It is said to incorporate functionality and power-packed ...

Note: The performance ratings and pros & cons section to be displayed at the top have been omitted, since this is a comparison review. Thus the ratings, ...

Gorilla GlassAlready available on the Droid X and and Dell Streak, Gorilla Glass is Corning's apparently indestructible glass material that will now ...

Sony's PS3 Slim "Classic White" gaming consoleSony's PS3 Slim is reportedly scheduled to hit Japan in new “Classic White” avatar ...

 Liquid desiccant air conditioner - 'DEVap' technologyResearchers have reportedly unleashed a new air-conditioning technology called ...

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