User Posts: Team Digit

Freedom of speech can indeed be tough to live with in today's internet scenario as Ashwin Mehta a cardiologist from Mumbai found out recently.It is quite ...


Nokia and Intel recently announced a “long-term relationship” of mutual benefit which in the least stands to bring in a new wave of ultra-portable, ...


Well, folks, it has been a wonderful five days. We received a torrent of entries for the Search for N contest, but There Can Be Only One Two.The two winners of ...


 Amidst the hype about Intel's processor platform for MIDs called Moorestown, NVIDIA has unveiled an answer of its own, its Tegra Processor. They ...


Intel recently unveiled their revised branding structure for their multitude of processors. The new scheme plans to do away with superfluous brand names, and ...


Can you see 5 dimensions? Can you even imagine what they could be like? Well some people still manage to think 5D. At the Centre for Micro-Photonics at ...


In a joint effort between HP and the Flexible Display Center of Arizona State Unversity, they have managed to create a new kind of flexible display which is ...


Intel's Moorestown is another one of those products that will blur lines, in this case those between MIDs (Mobile Internet Devices) and smart phones. Are lines ...


 The battle between the Microsoft Xbox 360 and the Sony Playstation 3 began long before they came out. With people comparing specs, availability of games, ...


Geo Tagging is all the rage these days. People had long given up labeling, relying instead on their severely flawed memories to store who took which picture ...

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