User Posts: Sourabh Kulesh

Last week it was reported that the Samsung Messages app had a bug that secretly sent text messages and photos from users' phone to ...


Facebook is doing everything to clean up its act after it was hit by a series of controversies but it seems the the social media platform is falling short ...


Samsung recently confirmed that it will be announcing its new Note series flagship, the Galaxy Note 9, at an “Unpacked” event on August 9 in New ...


While Oppo (Find X) and Vivo (Vivo Nex) have already showcased their idea of how to achieve a complete bezel less phone, Xiaomi is reportedly preparing to ...


In May, WhatsApp launched a string of new features for admins allowing them to better control their groups and improve the overall experience. The new features ...


While Facebook is still struggling to recover from the damage it incurred from the Cambridge Analytica scandal, another issue seems to be shrouding the social ...


After updating several apps like Gmail, Google Drive and Maps with the Material Theme, Google is reported to be testing a design overhaul for the Google Home ...


One of the USPs of Nokia smartphones is the rollout of timely security and Android software updates. In May, HMD Global announced that all Nokia smartphones ...


Home smart speakers and Chromecast are two of the most sought-after products from Google. While one provides users with hands-free help around the house ...


Instagram has rolled out a new feature called ‘Music Sticker’ that will enable users to add soundtracks to their Stories. The Facebook-owned ...

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