Xolo has been strengthening its focus on affordable Android phones by offering multiple options in the Rs 7,000-12,000 range. We take a closer look at what the ...
An Indian start-up has developed a smartphone called 'Firstouch' that can translate English text into Indian languages and vice versa by swiping across the ...
LG has launched the much-awaited successor to the Optimus G Pro, the LG Pro 2 smartphone in India for Rs. 51,500. The smartphone is available at a discounted ...
Google has pushed out a new update for its search App, that adds support for viewing Google Now cards even when you don't have an internet connection.Google ...
We have compiled a list of the most interesting and unique Windows, iOS and Android apps launched in April 2014. The apps include new video and photo sharing ...
Pictures of Amazon's much rumored 3D smartphone have been revealed. The smartphone features four cameras that are used to create a floating screen effect. It ...
Paperfold is an experimental bendable smartphone, that has three different displays that can fold over one another and are responsive to where they are ...
Facebook has rolled out a new update of its Messenger app. The new 5.0 update brings feature improvements to both Android and the iPhone. It has a new, ...
Google has launched new dedicated mobile apps for Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides. The apps can be downloaded from the iTunes store for iOS and Google's ...
Chinese handset manufacturer, Oppo, has launched its 5-inch Android smartphone Oppo R1 in India. The smartphone is available via online retailers for Rs ...