User Posts: Abhinav Lal

Microsoft’s Social Networking Director, John Starkweather, has posted the latest specifications of the two Microsoft Kin devices, Kin One and Kin Two. ...


Rumours are running wild about Apple buying ARM Holdings, and even AMD. While the latter rumour has been labelled as incredible by many, a lot of people are ...


Sony’s last PS3 firmware update caused a furore with thousands of PS3 users indignant about the Install Other OS option being removed. While legendary ...


It seems that the Dell dam has broken, for the leak is turning into a flood…Yes sir, here comes more:Dell Looking GlassDell Streak 7 will be called the ...


Dell ThunderYou saw the lightning, and if all other things remain the same, it’s time to hear the thunder! Dell’s new Android 2.1 phone, Dell ...


Pictures and specifications of Dell’s proposed WP7 device have been leaked, and it’s to be called the Lightning. The Dell Lightning is a 4.1-inch ...


Capcom announces Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Bionic Commando Rearmed 2, and moreThese announcements were made by Capcom at its Captivate 2010 event:Capcom says Bionic ...


HTC HD Mini released a week back in the UK, and is just on its way into the US - getting its FCC approval. It is expected in India soon, and will be a great ...


LG's latest slider Buzz phonesLG introduced two new phones for the younger generation today, LG GU285 and LG GU220, which are part of its Buzz series of ...


GarminfoneBelieved to be identical to the Garmin nuvifone A50 unveiled at CES 2010, the Garminfone will be launched with T-Mobile as a 3G device this spring ...

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